Goal setting video
The link to the other website is http://www.goalsthatevolve.com…
The link to the other website is http://www.goalsthatevolve.com…
Are Body Builders Fit? They answer although generalized and there are exceptions to every rule but the answer is Body builders in general are not fit or healthy and some aren’t even strong. What !!!!!!! You might say Most body builders will tell you that there appearance is all special effects. Here are the reasons:- […]…
Every body knows that most diets or nutrition plans aren’t destroyed by your main meals of the day but by snacking through out the day. So here are some simple ways to stop your self from snacking:- For more information on this you might want to check out this video:- I’m in no way associated […]…
Hello, Sorry if you have stumbled onto my blog today I’m doing a massive upgrade of my theme and functions so my blog looks terrible a the moment. Hopefully with the upgrade my site will be more beautiful lol. Hope fully I can figure this new theme out. Regards Jay…
Why should we exercise The reasons we should exercise are:- It has been shown that exercise can improve cognitive ability. Exercise helps boost energy, as well as focus and concentration. Exercise helps combat obesity. Helps reduce the effect s of aging. Exercise helps improve sleeping. Exercise can aid in stopping depression. Exercise helps fight disease. […]…
What are the rules of goal setting:- 1. Have a goal. 2.Write it down. 3. Put it everywhere your toilet, bath room, car, bedroom, fridge. 4. Read it every day. 5. Visualize it everyday for least 15 minutes. 6. Tell the people in your life that build you up about what you plan to do. […]…
Easiest Way To Get Fit What is the easiest way to get fit? Assuming you have a clean bill of health from your doctor the answer is intervals! Interval training is what the body responds to the fastest when it comes to get stronger and fitter Why? The human body was designed for short burst […]…
How do I get skinny? This is the question most girls ask. The question most girls should be asking is how to get healthy or how do I get skinny the right way? How? Well step number one may be surprising drink a lot more water then you usually do 8 – 10 glasses a […]…
What Does This Mean? If you have ever change the oil in your car and put cheap fuel in the tank it will run terrible VS Putting high quality fuel and oil in your car it runs great! Or If you abandon your garden and never water or nurture it and the garden dies Vs […]…
First of all remeber use this program at your own risk it can be intense so do it at your own risk STOP. KNOW YOUR OWN FITNESS LEVEL BEFORE DOING THIS PROGRAM What you will need A gym or weights better to do it at the gym A heart rate monitor A BLOODY BIG HEART […]…