Goal setting video
The link to the other website is http://www.goalsthatevolve.com…
The link to the other website is http://www.goalsthatevolve.com…
What are the rules of goal setting:- 1. Have a goal. 2.Write it down. 3. Put it everywhere your toilet, bath room, car, bedroom, fridge. 4. Read it every day. 5. Visualize it everyday for least 15 minutes. 6. Tell the people in your life that build you up about what you plan to do. […]…
What Does This Mean? If you have ever change the oil in your car and put cheap fuel in the tank it will run terrible VS Putting high quality fuel and oil in your car it runs great! Or If you abandon your garden and never water or nurture it and the garden dies Vs […]…
What is an excuse? An excuse is your ego trying to keep an existing habit alive so that it can keep you “safe” Think of the ego as an over protective parent who will never let you do anything because there afraid you will get hurt For you to grow you must let your ego […]…
have you ever wondered why your mind your always so negative and this isn’t just about fitness this is about life in general. Just imagine your watching your life and the negatives influences in it from a distance. What would you see and hear the most? The word NO! Or YOU CAN’T You went to […]…
What is a simple discipline? A simple discipline is a consistent action that you perform that compounds overtime into a massive result not always good An example of negative disciplines would be an individual who eats a big mac everyday.initially if you eat a big mac once or twice it will not do much but […]…