Mens health the program that makes you bigger

MON      Tues                Wed              Thursday       Friday

Legs     Shoulders       Thighs             Chest           Shoulders

Upper arms   Lower Back       Back            Upper arms

Forearms                                                       Forearms

Warm up

10 minutes on treadmill


Squats 5 x 5 (Light weight first 12 reps than the rest at maximum weight doing 6 reps)

Dumbbell Lunges 12 x 3

Calf Raises 20 x 3 (No weight)

Lower Back

Straight leg dead lifts  10 x 3

Hyper extensions 10 x 3


Work out 1 Monday  and Thursday


Tuesday and Friday

Warm up:-

Skipping 10 minutes


A presses  8 x3

Dumbbell  Lateral Raises  8 x 3

Shrugs 8 x 3

Seated dumbbell Laterals  8 x 3


Preacher Curls 6 to 8 x 3

Static dumbbell curls   6 to  8 x 3(Maximum weight)

Hammer Curls  10 x 3 (Maximum weight)


Pull downs with rope 6 to 8 x 3 maximum weight

Tricep kick back 6 to 8 x3(Maximum weight)

1 foot dips 12 x 3(Maximum weight)


Wrist curls 15 x 3

Reverse Wrist curls 15 x 3


Reverse Crunches 20 x 3

Fiffer Scissors 10 x 3 ( Slow cadence )

Leg Climbs 20 x 3 ( 10 each leg equals a set)


Warm up:-

10 minutes on treadmill


Bench press 6-8 X 3(Maximum weight)After a warm up set get a spotter

Dumbbell fly s 6-8 x3(Maximum weight)

Incline Dumbbell press 6 to 8 reps maximum weight (Maximum weight)


Lateral Pull downs inside grips 8 x3

Wide grip Lateral Pull downs 8 x 3(Maximum weight)

Back row machine (6 to 8 x3) (Maximum weight)

Power Training

Dead lifts  5 x 5 (first set light)


20 x 3 Crunches on  ball

Plank risers  15 x 3

Mason twist  (Till failure)

Things to remember

You need to be eating over 2200 calories a day


Peanut butter


P30 calorie bars

Recipe;- oats  as needed enough to make bars for the week one tub of peanut butter p30 protein powder( 3 scoops per bar you would like to make) Mix protein and oats together then use peanut butter to shape the oats and peanut butter into bars.

You need to be eating 130 grams or over of protein a day


Eggs, chicken(remember it s in tins), tuna, protein shakes, broccoli, p30 homemade protein bars, lite milk.

Things to consider

Take vitamin c will aid in recovery

Grape seed extract will aid in recovery

Make sure that you eat all time don’t let your body go into go into starvation mood.

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  1. Rene
    13 years ago

    What a great wordpress blog good job man 😉