This is a basic way to have a really good workout from hotel room with nothing more then a skipping rope that can easily be squeezed into your bag.
This is really simple grab your phone set the timer
1 minute running on the spot, star jumps 1 minute,1 minute of squats do this basic warm-up twice.
Reset your timer, skip for 2o minutes and rest every 2 minutes forĀ 1 minute.
Runners stretch, Hamstring stretch, 15x 2 squats, downward dog, forearm stretch, Neck Extensors stretch and shoulder flexor stretch.
12×3 Pushups 1 minute break between sets
12×3 Triceps chair dips 1 minute break between sets
8×3 burpees
2 minute wall squat
Alternate between skipping on one foot ,with the other foot dangling in front of the other alternating feet every 3 skips and doing doubles if your really tricky do cross overs as well.
Runners stretch, Hamstring stretch, 15x 2 squats, downward dog, forearm stretch, Neck Extensors stretch and shoulder flexor stretch.
This is a very simple workout but it does come with a level of intensity remember never exercise beyond your own fitness level and if you feel sicks it better not to exercise. Always check with your doctor if you haven’t exercised or been active for a while before beginning this or any exercise routine.
Tags: fitness disciplines, health and well being, Mens health, nutrition, success, womens health
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